Hi folks,
I’m going through an online writing accelerator called Write of Passage. It’s a course about cultivating and sharing ideas, building new relationships and deepening old ones, and facing the fear of being seen.
One of this week’s assignments is to send out my first newsletter. This is it! I've called the newsletter Thinking Out Loud, because that’s exactly what this project is about: to let my thoughts expand outside the small, safe confines of my mind and let them be poked, prodded and ultimately enhanced by yours.
This is meant to be a two way channel, not just a broadcast. I want to share my best ideas, reflections and experiences that will resonate with you and add something to your life. If that happens, please hit reply and let me know. That’s how I’ll improve my thinking and share even ideas next time.
Rediscovering awe
I’m in Brittany for the weekend. As the flight here took off from London I saw two excited young boys in the row in front of me. I took this as an opportunity to rediscover my own sense of awe. I put down my book, closed my eyes and felt the thrill of the acceleration pushing me back into my chair.
I think it’s vital that we take moments like this to notice how easily we become accustomed to small miracles, the “been there’s” and “done that’s” of the adult mind. I invite you to find something that once thrilled you and see if you can feel a little awe again.
New articles
Since Write of Passage started I’ve published two articles
How should we think about carbon removal? It’s possible to take carbon out of the atmosphere to reverse climate change. This article discusses explores one perspective on how to think about it.
The cognitive benefits of the ketogenic diet. Some of you will know that I shun almost all carbohydrates and eat an ungodly amount of butter and olive oil. This article explains why.
How can you help me?
The most important page on my website is ‘Start Here’. This is the most vulnerable and direct expression of myself that I’ve ever published and I want to make sure it’s as good as it can be. If you have a few minutes I’d be really grateful for any feedback: what resonates with you and where could I be more brave?
I’m working on an article on practicing Zen in daily life. When you think of the word Zen, what comes to mind?
Hit reply and let me know.

This part of Brittany has an extremely large tidal range, which made it a great location for the world’s first tidal power station. It also makes for good swimming. This is a tidal swimming pool in Saint-Malo that I came across today. As the tide comes in the sea immerses the pool, which stays full of seawater as the tide recedes. I thought that was pretty cool.
Thanks for reading. Until next time!